
Plastic Surgery Tulsa | Dr. Lee Bottem

Plastic Surgery in Tulsa by Dr. Lee Bottem: Enhancing Lives and Restoring Confidence

In today’s world, the desire to look and feel our best has become a significant part of our lives. For many, plastic surgery has emerged as a transformative solution, offering a path toward enhanced self-esteem and confidence. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, one name stands out in the realm of plastic surgery – Dr. Lee Bottem. With a stellar reputation and a passion for artistic enhancement, Dr. Bottem has become a trusted figure in the field.

Tailored Solutions for Every Patient

One size does not fit all in plastic surgery. Dr. Bottem understands this, which is why he takes a personalized approach to each patient. Through in-depth consultations, he gains a thorough understanding of individual desires and concerns, ensuring that the outcome is not just aesthetically pleasing but also harmonious with the patient’s unique features.

top Tulsa plastic surgery

The Comprehensive Range of Procedures

Facial Rejuvenation

The face is our window to the world, and Dr. Bottem’s expertise in facial rejuvenation can turn back the hands of time. From facelifts to non-surgical treatments, he offers a spectrum of options tailored to the specific needs and goals of each patient.

Body Contouring

Achieving the desired body shape can be a transformative experience. Dr. Bottem’s mastery of body contouring procedures, including liposuction, tummy tucks, and body lifts, enables patients to sculpt their bodies in ways they once only dreamed of.

Breast Augmentation and Reconstruction

For many women, breast procedures are deeply personal. Dr. Bottem combines technical skills with a compassionate approach to deliver results that not only enhance physical appearance but also restore self-confidence.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

In an era of rapid advancements, minimally invasive procedures have become a popular choice. Dr. Bottem offers a range of options, from injectables to laser treatments, providing effective and efficient solutions with minimal downtime.


In the realm of plastic surgery in Tulsa, Dr. Lee Bottem’s name shines brightly. His commitment to excellence, combined with a genuine passion for his craft, has transformed countless lives. From facial rejuvenation to body contouring, his expertise covers a wide spectrum of procedures, all designed to enhance not only physical appearance but also the confidence and well-being of his patients.

Tulsa plastic surgery by Dr. Lee Bottem

Frequently Asked Questions

What sets Dr. Lee Bottem apart from other plastic surgeons in Tulsa?

Dr. Lee Bottem’s extensive experience, personalized approach, and artistic sensibility make him a standout figure in the field of plastic surgery.

How do I schedule a consultation with Dr. Bottem?

Scheduling a consultation with Dr. Bottem is simple. Visit his website or contact his clinic directly to book an appointment.

What can I expect during the recovery process after a surgical procedure?

The recovery process varies depending on the specific procedure. Dr. Bottem and his team will provide detailed post-operative instructions and support to ensure a smooth recovery.

Are non-surgical options available at Dr. Bottem’s clinic?

Yes, Dr. Bottem offers a range of non-surgical treatments, including injectables and laser procedures, for those seeking less invasive enhancement options.

Is financing available for plastic surgery procedures with Dr. Bottem?

Yes, Dr. Bottem’s clinic offers various financing options to make plastic surgery more accessible to a wide range of patients.


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Dr. Lee Bottom | Waxahachie MyEllevate