
Broken Arrow Skin Rejuvenation and Therapy | Dr. Lee Bottem

Broken Arrow Skin Rejuvenation and Therapy

Almost everyone has something about their skin that they’d like to see smoothed or faded, from sunspots and wrinkles to scars and spider veins. While you can treat these to some extent through over-the-counter topical skincare, you usually can’t completely get rid of them that way.

Our team at Dr. Lee Bottem’s practice can help you address all of those concerns through non-invasive laser skin rejuvenation. These laser treatments are less harsh than many other resurfacing procedures such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion, making them the treatment of choice for many people.

There are multiple types of laser treatments designed for different skin conditions, so the one you receive will depend on your particular concern. We offer a wide variety, however, so you can rest assured Dr. Lee Bottem can provide the laser treatment you need, whether that’s intense pulsed-light (IPL) skin rejuvenation, nonablative laser rejuvenation, or ablative laser resurfacing, to name just a few options.

The Broken Arrow Skin Rejuvenation and Therapy Process

When you come in for your laser treatment, the first thing our team will do is thoroughly cleanse your skin. We’ll then apply a topical anesthetic to ensure you’re comfortable throughout the procedure.

Next, the laser will be passed over the treatment area, delivering tiny pulses of light that penetrate your skin, destroying excess melanin and dark spots and encouraging collagen production in unevenly textured spots.

Depending on the type of laser used, you may feel a warm, tingling, or even stinging sensation during the procedure. Some types of laser skin rejuvenation are more aggressive than others and can cause more discomfort. In those cases, we may provide additional anesthesia.

After your treatment, we’ll apply a cool compress or ointment to soothe your skin. We’ll also give you aftercare instructions to help ensure optimal results and minimize the redness, swelling, and scabbing that often occur as your skin heals.

Some laser treatments require little to no recovery time, while other more intense treatments may require two- to three-week recovery times. 


No matter what kind of laser treatment you receive, be prepared to not see your results immediately and to potentially come back for several more treatments to achieve your desired outcome.


Skin Rejuvenation and Therapy

Broken Arrow Skin Rejuvenation and Therapy Experts

When you’re considering laser treatments for your skin, you don’t want just anyone to perform the procedure. You want a team of experienced, certified professionals who can ensure that you receive the best treatment possible.

At Dr. Lee Bottem’s practice, we pride ourselves on our experience and expertise in laser skin rejuvenation. We understand that everyone’s skin is different and requires different types of care. That’s why we offer such a wide variety of laser treatments, so we can customize the perfect treatment plan for your individual needs.

If you’re ready to achieve the smooth, evenly toned skin you’ve always wanted, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have and help you decide which type of laser treatment is right for you.

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Dr. Lee Bottom | Waxahachie MyEllevate